Wednesday, 03 December 2008

Davidson MP, Jonathan O’Dea is on the move – literally.

The Davidson office, which has been just outside the electorate due to boundary changes by the Electoral Commission, will “jump” the railway line at Lindfield.

It will now be located at Suite 8A, 12-18 Tryon Road, Lindfield.

“The move may only be a short distance but the new location will provide a number of significant advantages to constituents,” Mr O’Dea said.

“The new office is located next door to the Federal Member for Bradfield, Brendan Nelson, providing a “one stop shop” for anyone with Federal or State enquiries.

“Parking is also much easier, with a carpark adjacent to the building and easy access to the more visible office,” Mr O’Dea said.

“Some things will remain the same however, such as the phone and fax numbers, the email address and the PO Office Box number.

“I will continue to actively represent the community on a wide range of state issues and where required, present both individual and community views to relevant Ministers.

“My new office will be open from next week and will be formally opened by Opposition Leader, Barry O’Farrell on Friday, 19 December.

“If you believe I may be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to phone or call into the new office,” Mr O’Dea concluded.