Thursday, 05 June 2008

The State Member for Davidson Jonathan O’Dea said Minister Sartor’s new planning laws would entrench Labor control over planning bodies and undermine local government and democratic values. 

“Instead of working with local government to develop reforms that would improve the New South Wales planning system, the Government has effectively sidelined them.

“Minister Sartor’s contempt for local government was obvious recently when he imposed a planning panel on the Ku-ring-gai council area. He has now continued with this contempt on a broader scale, failing to respond to community concerns” Mr O’Dea said.

The new planning legislation addresses environmental planning, development assessment, developer contributions, the role of certifiers and disputes.

“Problems with the Bill include:

  • a lack of neighbour notification when a ‘complying development’ is being considered
  • an expanded use of certifiers to approve developments instead of councils
  • a new complex system of different bodies to consider different developments, with many appointments by the Planning Minister.

“The Coalition opposed the Bill and want it referred to an Upper House Inquiry.  This would permit better and fuller consultation with all stakeholders, resulting in an improved planning framework. 

“I voted against this planning Bill and will not hesitate to continue standing up for our local community” Mr O’Dea said.

For further information, please call Jonathan O’Dea on 0418 241 500.