
Stay-at-home orders for adults who have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine will be lifted from the Monday after NSW passes the 70 per cent double vaccination target, under the roadmap to freedom released today.

Draft plans for a multi-million-dollar upgrade to County Road Reserve in Belrose are now on display for community feedback, giving locals another chance to make sure their park needs are met now and for the future.

There will be a staggered return to face-to-face learning from October, HSC exams will be delayed until November and vaccinations for school staff will be mandatory based on the return to school plan released by the NSW Government today.


Gladys Berejiklian           Dominic Perrottet

Premier of NSW                 Treasurer

John Barilaro                   Brad Hazzard

Gladys Berejiklian Premier of NSW
Dominic Perrottet Treasurer

Media Release 

28 July 2021

Member for Davidson, Jonathan O’Dea, today announced $10,945 will be provided to support the Ku-ring-gai Community Workshop.

Member for Davidson, Jonathan O’Dea, encourages the community to attend their local Anzac Day Service to honour the service and sacrifice of the Australian Defence Force and our Veterans.

The local community is being invited to help shape the future of two parks in Frenchs Forest and Belrose. Member for Wakehurst Brad Hazzard and Member for Davidson Jonathan O’Dea today announced funding for improvements at Nandi Reserve in Frenchs Forest and County Road Reserve in Belrose.

Member for Davidson, the Hon Jonathan O’Dea today announced the local recipients for round two of the NSW Government’s $10 million Sustainable School Grants.

Member for Davidson, Jonathan O’Dea, today announced $7,500.00 of funding from the NSW Government for two multicultural projects supporting the local community.


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Suite 8A, 12-18 Tryon Road, LINDFIELD NSW 2070
(02) 9880 7400

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