Thursday, 17 December 2020

A new two-year infrastructure traineeship, announced today by the NSW Government, will provide the Class of 2020 with immediate employment opportunities giving them well-rounded experience in the infrastructure sector.

The program will offer more than 100 school leavers traineeships in infrastructure-based roles commencing in February 2021.

Member for Davidson, Jonathan O’Dea encouraged local students to consider the opportunity.

“Providing our young people with opportunities, particularly after this uncertain year, is a priority of this government,” Mr O’Dea said.

“The traineeship program is an incredible opportunity. School leavers will be working in the project teams running our historic school building program.”

“Recently graduated Year 12 students can continue their learning in 2021, allowing them to develop hands-on experience across a range of construction based fields.”

Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said the traineeships will be a great way for students to gain insight into the infrastructure industry and the diverse careers available.

The new traineeship is a collaboration between NSW Government infrastructure agencies and approved industry partners.


Training Services NSW has committed to funding the cost of the Certificate III and IV training and other mandatory training such as First Aid and White Card for all trainees.

The NSW Government is investing $7 billion over the next four years, continuing its program to deliver more than 200 new and upgraded schools to support communities across NSW.


This is the largest investment in public education infrastructure in the history of NSW.

For more information, visit the Department website.