Wednesday, 08 February 2017

Member for Davidson, Jonathan O’Dea has called for face coverings, including those associated with some Muslim garments, not to be worn in public.

“I believe face coverings, including burqas, niqabs, bike helmets, balaclavas and masks, should be banned in public places,” Mr O’Dea said.

“This is not so much about security as it is about civility.

“The Police should be given powers to enforce the removal of face coverings, just as they are able to prevent people walking down the street with no clothes on.

“For most people, there is an understandable degree of unease when someone communicates with their face covered.

“It can be unsettling or disconcerting, even intimidating. In a worst case scenario, a person with their face covered may indicate a potential robbery or even a terrorist attack.

“The face gives a person ‘identity’. We often use the face, either consciously or sub-consciously, to determine a person’s intent and to refine our communications.  Facial expressions provide insight into a person’s mood and purpose,” Mr O’Dea said.

“This is not about targeting any particular section of our community. It’s about living in an open and free society; communicating openly; and helping to ensure our community is safe to work and play without undue fear. It is primarily about preserving civil rights rather than restricting certain behaviours.

“Our political leaders should not be overly politically correct and should reinforce commonly accepted and reasonable societal norms.  If mainstream political parties don’t act, then Pauline Hanson and others may capitalise on the inaction in a negative way,” Mr O’Dea concluded.